Winston Fan's Blog

My projects, products and blogs etc...

Winston Fan is a full stack software developer, a self-taught AI practioner. Interested in AI/ML/DL, IoT, mobile app development, gym, running, traveling, cooking, supernatural things etc. He has always been a curious soul since born and ready for exploring new places, technologies.

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最近Bilibili上的一个网友告诉我他把我渲染的片子拿到 快手上去宣传了,给朝阳沟的老艺术家们看. 我听了还还挺高兴的. 心说那我也去快手上看看吧. 不查不知道啊, 一查 真是...我了个去了....🙄 也才上传没几天 就被几个人分割成小片段上传成了几十个视频. 每个人都把 水印给裁掉了....怎么裁的那么好...我看了一会才看出来 原来只是把视频下端有水印的部分裁剪掉了, 我还以为用了什么高科技呢, 怎么能去的那么干净.... 更有甚者 都懒得裁剪, 直接在我的水印上贴上了他 自己的水印: 求关注求关注....这是要多么没文化啊.....你都不能想个更好一些的遮盖词吗?🙄 而原视频带水印的应该是这样的: 战斗阶段 虽说我心态好, 但是也不能让人欺负啊. 既然Bilibili…

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hero image English 中文啦 I have always been a fans of Diablo and have been playing the Diablo II Expansion on and off for years. One thing in the Diablo II, Diablo Clone(DC), is definitely the most exciting event in the world of Diablo. I cannot stress enough that how frustrated I was whenever I missed a hunting event. So.....what could I do for this? huh.....why not make an tiny application for DC…

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Use FFMPEG to shrink videos: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -acodec mp2 output.mp4 To reduce the size further: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx265 -crf 14 output.mp4

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前言: 就在前几天还在想和我的小锤锤🔨再一起过2年. 5G, 浴霸头什么的 我都不在意....谁知道桑心不仅总是难免的,而且还会发生地这么快..... 就在4周前一次周末的Long run中,一时兴起的我 pia ji....把小锤子🔨摔了个稀巴烂....碎碎平安了. 我也曾经试着救过,在稀巴烂的屏幕上又贴了个屏保算是暂时保命....谁知道我看到了一个令我无法拒绝的deal... 一直以来 我都试图去尝试新的品牌 以及他们的特殊features. 一方面是因为我经济拮据 需要省钱, 另一方面也可以尝鲜, 我挺喜欢用中低档机器的价钱买到高配手机的感觉. 回顾我之前的手机: 锤子🔨Nuts Pro2(2017-2020), 小米 Note Pro(2年), Nokia Lumia 1520, Nokia 820, Nokia 720, Unknown forgotten not…

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We have a fish pond in our back yard and there are roughly 40 fish. A couple of months ago when I was visiting my parents and found that the fish is missing and nobody knew the reason... TBC

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